Lamb - Lammstek
Where on animal


Or "leg steaks". The leg consists of the largest muscles on the back leg and can be cut with or without the shank and chump and with or without the bone.

Keep in mind

The bone enhances the taste. Tie up the steak before cooking, especially if it is boneless.

How to cook leg of lamb/leg steaks

Leg of lamb can be roasted whole in the oven at low temperatures with or without the bone.

Choose a leg with a layer of fat. The fat on the outside is probably more important to the taste than the bone inside, as the heat reaches the middle of the steak last. Let it rest properly for a while before serving.

Cut the pink, juicy meat across the fibres.

You don't need the butcher's help to divide the muscles on the leg into three tasty, tender cuts. Very carefully cut the meat loose from the bone with a pointed knife. All that is needed are a few slices starting in the narrow end of the steak. The meat that detaches will fall in three different sized parts by itself. Roast according to all the rules, slice, serve and enjoy.

The leg steaks tend to lose their shape and risk turning into "chunks" of tough meat if cooked on one side at a time. They are better of in a casserole. They are a perfect – and actually tastier – replacement for the leg steaks of veal that make a traditional "Osso buco".

The classic

Filled with garlic and rosemary – and roasted in one piece in the oven with the bone remaining.

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