Professional Secrets joins forces with German

We have the pleasure to announce that we have started a collaboration with Christine Dicker and Hartmut Kamphausen. This is very exciting, seeing as we share the same passion for beautiful and cool kitchenware, cooking and dining as they do.

Number one on dining trends

Christine and Hartmut started in 2019. Their ambition was to create an easy-to-read digital communication channel that could provide German companies working with cooking, dining and gifts with the latest news and trends. They have proved to be better informed, faster on their feet and faster to react to changes than any competitors.

Christine and Hartmut provide the industry and subscribers with a newsletter every Tuesday and the last Thursday each month. They have – in just a few a few months – a reach of more than 15 000 companies!

Collaboration for inspiration

Professional Secrets is all about inspiration and our strategy is always to reach out to the target group by celebrating chef-grade ingredients, chef-grade cooking, and chef-grade dining. If they are consumers or retailers makes little difference – we are all in this for the love of food.

A collaboration with Tischgespraech is a logical and very exciting step in the direction we want to go. For a start, we will provide Tischgespraech with some inspiring topics from our Culinary Calendar.

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