Tips from the pros on the perfect Jansson’s Temptation

Getting this Swedish classic it right isn’t difficult. As is so often the case with simple, traditional recipes like this, it’s all about the details. These are the most important things that you mustn’t cut corners on:

Fry the onions

If the onion is fried soft and brown in real butter, you’ll get delicious, caramelized notes that lift the whole dish. If your recipe doesn’t mention this important point, you probably need to double the amount of onion because frying it will reduce the volume and soften the flavor.

Shred the anchovies/sprats

Or cut them into small pieces. This will draw out the flavors better and make sure every bite contains enough of the intense anchovy flavor. Start with the amount shown in your recipe but practice cooking the dish until you’ve attained your own ultimate anchovy balance.

Use plenty of cream

Jansson’s Temptation is supposed to be a calorie bomb. Mix the cream with the liquid from the anchovies so the flavor and the saltiness run through the whole dish.

Make it in advance

The day before is ideal – this is one of the reasons why Jansson’s Temptation is the perfect solution for a late night meal with friends. And keeping it in the fridge firms it up and develops the flavors. Dollop some more butter on top when reheating it in the oven.

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