An elongated fish in the cod family, with a brownish black back, grey sides and a white belly. The rear dorsal and anal fins have grown together.
Fish facts
Hake is worth the slightly higher price if you cook the flesh carefully and give it a prominent position on the plate. It is a popular and much appreciated eating fish in Spain, where it is called “merluza”.
How to cook hake
Hake flesh is a delicacy. It is similar to cod but firmer and can be cooked in even more ways. It works well when fried or poached and marinating it in lime juice turns it a beautiful white color with a perfect al dente consistency.
The fish is smaller than cod. Adapt cooking times and portion sizes accordingly. It goes well with bacon or serrano ham as a flavor enhancer.
The classic
Ceviche as in Chile and Peru: Marinate in lime and salt and serve with aji (a strong chili sauce) and some lightly boiled sweet potatoes. With fresh coriander if desired.
Conservation status:
Cape hake from South Africa is MSC certified and has green status. European hake has either yellow or red status.