Beef - Ytterlår
Where on animal


A long and lean thigh muscle that is heavier and harder than other steaks. The outer thigh needs time when cooking and is suitable for casseroles. The meat should be cut straight across the muscle fibers.

Keep in mind

This piece is often called beefsteak, stroganoff, stew beef or, if sliced, wok meat.

How to cook beef topside

Topside is suitable in sauté’s with strong, bold flavoring. The piece has the form of a fan and you should cut it carefully straight across the fibers if the cooking time is short.

The meat is lean and is well served by added fat and smooth (mouth feel, not taste) sauces.

The classic

Beef Stroganoff, a sauté with cream, tomato puré, mustard, etc. Use a Smetana sour cream (from central and eastern Europe) or crème fraiche.

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