• They do best (back) in soil
  • Dark, cool and not too dry
  • Frozen, pickled, dried

Root vegetables must be stored in a dark, cool and not too dry place. Don’t expose them to sub-zero temperatures.

Ideally underground

Root vegetables and potatoes do best really where they belong: under ground (this is why they need to be kept somewhere dark and cool and not too dry). If you have an earth cellar, for example, store them there in airy boxes with plenty of soil as packaging. They will hibernate there and can survive a whole, long winter.

Put them in soil again!
– Joel Aronsson, on the best way of storing root vegetables

Plastic works

A dark, cool, moist cellar is perfect for storing root vegetables over winter. But if you’re only storing them for a shorter period in your vegetable rack, a plastic bag to retain moisture will do.

Original packaging

It’s best to keep them in the original packaging. The material and the design will have been produced to keep the contents fresh for as long as possible.

Distinguish between root vegetables and other vegetables

Green leaves and vegetables that grow above ground use up their water reserves and their nutrients much more quickly than root vegetables, which can be said to hibernate. Store them in different drawers of the fridge.


You can freeze root vegetables. Peel them and cut into the shape you want. Boil the peeled pieces in lightly salted water for about a minute. Rinse with cold water, drain and freeze.

Salted root vegetables

As long as you start early, it’s almost ridiculously easy to preserve vegetables. Grated carrots or swede, for example: Add salt and spices. Press the vegetable down so the salt goes in. Pack into a glass jar (it’s important that there aren’t any air bubbles left) and store at room temperature for two weeks. After that store them in the fridge. They’ll be best after a month but last for up to a year.

Pickled root vegetables

Root vegetables – especially if you choose to pickle them in large chunks – take time to denature in vinegar, lemon juice and other acids. One well-known method is to cook them a little – but not until soft – before pickling. They will be ready more quickly although it will make them slightly less crisp.


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