Eat less but better meat 2020

Category: Trends, insights, Inspiring | Skrivet: Jan 02, 2020

Did you – perhaps after a few glasses of champagne on New Year's Eve – make a promise to eat less meat this year. Here is a little inspiration to help you deliver on your promise:

Since we started Professional Secrets – with everything you ever wanted to know about meat – we have repeatedly been telling our readers to "eat less but better meat". This is not only a a matter of doing good for the sake of the environment, about encouraging better treatment of animals, or even about improving your health by eating less red meat. It is also about treating yourself to a greater culinary experience.

Better meat (if you cook it right, like the pros) will result in greater satisfaction for your taste buds. Being picky with the quality and the origin of any meat you put on the table will also make you a more accomplished in the kitchen.

So, to inspire you to make good on that decision for 2020, here is som inspiration from the pros:

Cooking meat like a pro

Cooking vegetables like a pro

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