Getting a great result when grilling fish is easy – but the actual handling on the grill itself can be a bit tricky. See what the pros have to say:
First of all, choose your type of fish for grilling with care. It should not only be fresh, it should also be of the firmer kind. Salmon, trout, halibut, tuna, monkfish and Atlantic wolffish will make the work easier for you. Shellfish such as large scampi also work well on the grill.
If possible, keep the skin on when grilling fish. It doesn’t stick as easily and acts as a wrapper, helping to keep the fish together.
Dry the surface of the fish before grilling and cover it with a thin layer of oil.
Always give fish some time on the griddle before trying to loosen it. Handling the fish (getting it "unstuck") is easier when the surfaces where the skin/meat meets the griddle are lightly roasted/toasted,
When grilling fish, one grill surface is often enough...
More about grilling fish.